Monday, August 29, 2011

L'il Wayne killed my TV (VMAs)

Being the Award Show junkie that I am, I told my wife last night:
 “Wife!  Let’s watch the VMAs!”
She looked at me like I had just lost my mind.
“The VMAs?  But MTV doesn’t show videos.”
“That’s not the point.  There are AWARDS.”
I’m strange like that.  I watch the Oscars every years, and that makes sense because I like movies.  Same for the Globes, though there’s a lot of television thrown in there that I pay no attention to.  The Tonys?  We tried to watch the Tonys this year, but after the opening number we got distracted by More Important Things and drifted away.  But I was determined.  We would see this thing through.  This terrible, horrible thing.
Lady Gaga set the tone with her little schizophrenic drag act, coming off like a bad impersonation of Al Pacino.*  Then there were all of these acts that I had no clue who they were!  I mean, I listen to popular radio every now and then.  Sometimes the music is catchy and bores its way into my brain, other times I can’t change the station quick enough.  It gets to the point that the inconsistency just drives me to listen to the music on my phone.  Every now and then I’d see a familiar face:
That Kanye Guy!
Katy Perry’s Breasts!
Brian May?  The hell?
Then a group will perform and the lyrics would be unintelligible.  Some band from California was stricken with this, and the lead singer was even two-fisting microphones.  But the capper on everything was the end performance by L’il Wayne.  He comes out and sings the most auto-tuned song that I’ve heard in a while, then decides to massacre Black Sabbath’s Iron Man by rapping over it but with 80% of his lyrics censored.  He then proceeds to grab a guitar and Rock the F Out with his band.

The feed froze.  Stopped dead in it’s track and never came back.  I suppose that L’il Wayne and his wholesome lyrics and masterful guitar playing were just too much for AT&T to handle.  It was a blessing though.  I had really lost any interest in the whole thing by that point, and it was time to get some sleep anyways.  I said to my wife:
“Wife!  Let us never do this again.  The VMAs and music nowadays are a wretched and evil lot.”
She agreed.  No more VMAs.

I’ll probably watch next year.

*Or, the person they replaced Pacino with.  No, really!  Watch The Godfather and Scarface in a row and try to tell me they are the same person.  Just try!