Friday, September 2, 2011

Personal Fame?

I've often toyed with the idea of starting a movie review show on Youtube.  I know, that's not anything that hasn't been done before.  But I seem to think that I have a singular wit about me that could make for compelling reviewing types stuff.

Or, it could be an absolute train wreck.

Part of it is the fact that I'm so quiet.  Those of you that have known me for a while, especially those than knew me in elementary school, may be going "HUH?"  Back then, I wasn't quiet or shy around strangers.  I think the word for it would probably be "obnoxious".  Back then I couldn't keep myself quiet, no matter how hard I tried.  I'd sit there and try to hold it in, but then I'd explode!  I'd bounce off the walls, ceiling, talk talk talk talk.  I even got an award for "Thinking Out Loud."

Nowadays, not so much.  I loathe the idea of getting in front of people to do anything, even when it's saying something in front of my collected coworkers, let alone hundreds of strangers on the internets.  I bet I'd start the camera up and just stare at it for twenty minutes quietly whimpering, until I slide to the floor in a fetal position.

Part of it is my taste in films.  It's very eclectic.  Judging by the DVD shelf, I could easily go from A Friday the 13th movie to Cannibal: The Musical to The Life Aquatic to The Phantom of the Opera.  It kinda jumps around.  Who wants to hear about that stuff, anyway?  "I think what the filmmaker was trying to say with Friday the 13th part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan" is that New York looks a lot like Vancouver, and that the toxic waste problem is WAY out of hand.  It's a metaphor for something, I just haven't figure out for what.  Dog food, maybe."


I think I figured out the main reason that I can't seem to motivate myself on this...  The fact that the DVDs  that my wife and I own are arranged in alphabetical order, and to do this right I'd have to review all of them in order.

The first one is Across the Universe.  Screw that noise.  I'd rather go play Warhawk.

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